Friday, September 29, 2023

Back to Brig and Cordon Bleu

 After Zermatt, we returned by train to Brig.


We saw quite a few homes with these slate roofs.  

The rivers are beautiful because of the gorgeous colors from the glacier silt.

A typical street in Brig, and a paper boat we passed on the way to dinner.

This restaurant was recommended as the place where Cordon Bleu was first made. We are in the French speaking section of Switzerland, so maybe this is true. 

A group of us decided to try the restaurant. However, in order to get the English version of the extensive menu, you had to scan a QR code, and once accomplished, the menu was quite small and hard to read on the phone. 

Also, I forgot that I really don't care for Cordon Bleu - original or not - so I got something called "Fitness Chicken" on the English version of the menu.

It was exceptional, and Dottie who had gotten the Cordon Bleu, served us a taste if we wanted. It was good but still Cordon Bleu...



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