Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Swiss National Museum


I was astonished that no one specifically pointed out the importance of a visit to the Swiss National Museum. It is one of the best museums I've ever seen. Anywhere. The exhibits are excellent, and the content is presented in a very understandable (and sometimes humorous) way. 

I began with a visit to the exhibition entitled, "Zurich." This exhibit used many forms of multimedia to educate and show Zurich's history. I couldn't photograph it as part of it had an IMAX sort of screen projected on three walls and many, many touch screens that explained how different items (ice skates, snow globe, self-service emblem for the train, etc.) related to Zurich.  This exhibit was educational and humorous, so I spent most of my time there.

A fraction of other items on display: 










1 comment:

  1. How wonderful that you found this before you left. It looks really interesting.
