Thursday, September 12, 2024

JMW Turner and Highlights Tour at Tate Britain

I took the Tube to St. James's Park on my way to the Tate Britain. Along the way, I passed Westminster Abbey.

Finally, I arrived at TB (Tate Britain):

I have not seen any method for refilling water bottles during my visit thus far. In fact, water in the bathroom is deemed undrinkable by signs attesting to this. I have gotten water from snack bars/restaurant and refilled my water bottle that way. But this drinking fountain at the TB was the first one I've seen in a week. Yay!

JMW Turner is a big name at the TB and in all of Britain. I've always liked his work. 

The Turner Prize will be announced in a week or so. It is given annually to a visual artist born in or based in Great Britain in recognition of an outstanding exhibition or other presentation of his or her work. It is considered the highest honor in the British art world. 

I had a wonderful highlight tour at the National Portrait Gallery, so I tried a similar tour at the TB. The guide, Louise, did a super job. These are her highlights:
I had heard of Francis Bacon, the philosopher, but not the artist. 

Louise mentioned that everything is equal with Pop Art. It should be: popular, transient, short term, mass and produced. She noted that the sneakers on the right were less clear; this may show a previous attempt at painting them. 

I thought these unusual forms were terrific.

1 comment:

  1. Wish we had had time to see the Tate when we were there last time. It looks like its well worth a visit!
