Friday, September 13, 2024

The Churchill War Rooms

Next, I headed for Churchill War Rooms.

You had to descend a staircase to get to the below-ground rooms.

Churchill's words sum up the goal.

The map room was one of the most  important rooms.

One of the men had the job of announcing the weather. I think this was used for a bit of levity, as no one was going outside...

Churchill despised noise, so the noiseless typewriter and "No Whistling" rule helped a bit.

No flushing toilets, so a chemical one was used.

This photo gives you a sense of the vastness of the space and also just how far underground they were.

One of the Enigma machines.

From some books/movies, I was aware that Churchill liked directing things in his PJ's from his bed.

Some bunk rooms.

These photos explain some of the construction of the space and the making of a slab.

The above rooms were important ones used by Churchill and his team.

This door of keys contained all the keys necessary for the War Rooms.

This photo shows the tally of bombs, causalities, and other information.


1 comment:

  1. How interesting this must have been to see in person. I've seen accounts of this in movies, but it looks pretty spectacular in your photos!
