Tuesday, September 17, 2024

St. Martin's in the Field

I especially wanted to visit St. Martin's in London because Robert and I were married at St. Martin's in the Fields in Chestnut Hill, PA on April 30, 1988. 💖

A peek at the spire.
The Sanctuary and the organ.

You can see the East window faintly in the above Sanctuary photo. I was excited to find the story behind it on a card in the St. Martin's gift shop.

Gospel procession

The sermon was excellent. The pastor, Rev Dr Sam Wells, spoke of Augustine of Hippo, who was perhaps the greatest Christian philosopher of Antiquity (born in 354 AD).  

Augustine argues that everything that exists can be divided into two groups: things to be used and things to be enjoyed. "To enjoy a thing," he proposes, "is to rest with satisfaction in it for its own sake." 

An object of enjoyment is not a means to some other end, it is something desired and pursued for its own sake, as an end in itself. He believed that The true objects of enjoyment, then, are the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Coffee hour after the service.





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