Tuesday, October 1, 2019

FYI - Trash collection in Bergen

Vegard, our AirBnB host in Bergen, explained about trash collection when I asked if he wanted us to empty the trash before we left. Apparently, the city has just put in a new system. It consists of two trash receptacles outside on the street for which residents have an orange fob (the same one that wouldn’t allow me to put the keys in Vegard’s mailbox) that responds to that resident’s street and  trash can. We know this because we tried the fob on other trash receptacles, and the fob did not allow us to open the trash can.

Once you’ve pointed the fob (see video below or if it won’t load for me, I’ll email it) at the icon on the side of the trash receptacle, you are able to open the door and put in your trash. But the coolest part is that this trash is then sucked down and under the street into a system that then moves it to a central place to be packaged and separated. It’s also known as AVAC and used in a lot of countries including Sweden. There is a trash can for trash and one for recycling.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool!!!! What we need in the States.
