Saturday, March 18, 2023

Zero Day - Strolling Along The Seaway and the National History Museum

 I decided last night that I needed a zero day. A day to relax with breakfast and just wander around.

The breakfast buffet has many varieties of typical Cretan food which are fun to try. 

                        More ancient ruins on the way to the Natural History Museum.
                                 The museum is the green building in the distance.

       I walked along the seaway. It was extremely windy which made the water rough.

There was in extensive exhibit on earthquakes including an "earthquake simulation table" described above. 


The table rose up from the floor to prepare for the simulation once the guide locked the door . She explained that deep earthquakes are not as severe as shallow ones because with a shallow earthquake, you are closer to the epicenter. 

We experienced a simulation of both deep and shallow. The deep one was similar to some mild tremors we felt in Oklahoma. The shallow one was very scary. Our chairs felt  like they would fly into the air.

                 Greece has the greatest seismic activity in Europe and is number 6 in the world.

                                The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii.

The rest of the museum had a lot of information about native (endemic) animals, plants and birds. I especially liked seeing some of the more unusual ones.

Image result for public domain european bee eater

 Bee Eater

There was no European bee eater, however, which I was hoping to see. I had seen a bee eater in Africa, and its colors were magnificent.

                                         On the way back to the hotel, the sea had calmed.

And finally, there are cats (and dogs) roaming all over Crete. I hope they have homes. Perhaps this one resides on this houseboat.

1 comment:

  1. The earthquake simulator sounds like an amusement park ride. That must've been so interesting to try!
